
Pension Prameň

Vinne´s lake


Pension Prameň

Vinne´s lake


Apartment house Prameň

four two-room apartments with kitchen


Tradition and quality ...

Eating a la carte with meals also for not accommodated guests


Apartments and rooms

Apartments with a balcony overlooking the Vinne lake and 2,3 and 4-bed rooms

Vinne´s lake

Water from mountain streams in the summer attracts swimming and boating

In autumn fishing, winter ice skating, cross-country skiing, year-round hiking, biking and relaxing stays

Vinne´s castle

Let's go back to the Middle Ages

Nearby are several hiking trails to the nearby ruins of the Vinne´s castle

Zemplínska šírava

Large-Pools and Thermal Park

Good conditions for swimming, water sports, sailing on ships, fishing, entertainment, discos, restaurants

Snina´s rock and Sea eye

<h2>Unique and beautiful views of nature</h2>
<p>Sea eye in the protected area of the Eastern Carpathians lies at an altitude of 618 m <br /> It is the largest volcanic lake in Slovakia obstructed</p>




360 Pension Prameň

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